Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday Vocabulary

Week One Vocabulary
August 31-September 4th
Your spelling and vocabulary test will be on Friday, September 4. You will be responsible for knowing how to spell each word correctly and the definition for each word.

Thermometer – a tool used to measure the temperature of air and liquids
Graduated Cylinder- a tool used to measure the amount of liquid accurately
Hand Lens- A hand-held tool that is used to magnify objects
Hypothesis- what you think the outcome of an experiment may be
Variable- anything that can change in an experiment
Control- to keep all the variables in an experiment the same except the one variable being tested
Matter- the material or “stuff” that everything is made of
Solid- a state of matter in which the substance has a definite shape and a definite volume
Liquid- a state of matter in which the substance has a definite volume but takes the shape of its container
Gas- a state of matter in which the substance takes both the shape and the volume of its container

Today we also got to practice using different science equipment! The students traveled around to different stations and explored! We measured, observed, classified, played with magnets, and looked through microscopes! My homeroom did not get to look in the microscopes, but I will have them set up tomorrow!
It was a wonderful day of science exploration!
Mrs. M

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